Saturday, November 27, 2021

Flesh, Blood and Veins

Flesh,blood and veins, I was born with. 

But a machine is the mold I was ordered to fit in. 

Molded to serve a purpose. That I still try to find to this day. 

I hope I never do, because of the joy in search for something, anything or nothing... will start to disappear.

I hope I never do, because when I do...what else is left there to find?

I try to forget

And so instead I start to dream

I dreamed to be a picture, a doll or a crystal.

With so much beauty that it will never expire.

But with flesh, blood and veins, I was born with.

Born in a way

Fit in a machine kind of way

Trapped in a shell kind of way

Against my will, kind of way.

Will probably never find a way

To be a a picture, nor a doll ... nor a crystal.

Just a machine 

With flesh, blood and veins.

© ᐱ N G E L ᐱ N ᐱ R C H Y
Maira Gall